

Since the Midway Church of Christ looks to Jesus Christ as its head and Elders have been appointed, why do we have Deacons? The Greek word (diakonos) translated “deacon” means servant, and is so translated in Matthew 23:11 and John 12:26. It can be said then that a Deacon is someone who is chosen to assist the elders of a congregation in carrying out their responsibilities as 1 Peter 5:2.

While the Elders oversee the spirituality of the congregation, Deacons are responsible for seeing to the daily needs of our church and our community. Members of the Midway Church of Christ have the following men who we believe fit the qualifications outlined in I Timothy 3:8-13, to be our Deacons.

Larry Little

Matt Addison

Windell Denney

Aaron Fletcher

Houston Hutto

Jamie Patterson